Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Up in Arms Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Up in Arms
Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Up in Arms Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Up in Arms
Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Up in Arms
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The Old World is a dangerous place. With the Empire broken from within and threatened by enemies from without, it is only wise to learn the skills of a soldier, or to employ those who have already...

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The Old World is a dangerous place. With the Empire broken from within and threatened by enemies from without, it is only wise to learn the skills of a soldier, or to employ those who have already done so. Some say that living by the sword means dying by the sword, and there is truth in that. But in the wilderness of the Empire, refusing to live by the sword is an even quicker death by the sword. Up in Arms provides options and guidelines for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Characters pursuing warrior careers. It focuses on skills that players and GMs can use to add variety and expertise to the fighting folk of the Old World. 

This 144-page book includes:
- A discussion of the Cult of Myrmidia, with the most comprehensive guide yet on the beliefs and practices of those who worship the Goddess of Strategy.
- Soldiers of All Stripes, detailing the experience of ordinary members of the Empire's glorious state troops, and offering new careers such as the hand shooter, halberd and greatsword.
- A history of the role of mercenaries in the wars of the Old World, including background and rules supporting the playing of Tilean Characters and other dogs of war.
- A guide to the famous knightly orders of the Empire, with options to join secular orders, Templar Chapters, or to go it alone as a freelance knight.
- A comprehensive list of weapons and armor, from basic weapons like swords and axes, to exotic specialized gear like weighted nets and pavises.
- Rules for taking cover in vehicles and buildings - and counterpart rules for blowing up vehicles and buildings with devastating artillery.
- Details on the deployment of mercenary NPCs, including a system for generating individual quirks and work ethics.
- Optional and additional rules for new Endeavours, alternative approaches to Critical Injuries, mounted combat, use of Advantage, Pursuits and Talents.

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