Q.E. (Quantitative Easing) is an innovative bidding game by Allplay where players assume the roles of central banks during a financial crisis. As representatives of major nations, it's your duty to bail out companies through quantitative easing, essentially printing unlimited money. The unique aspect of this game is that there are no limits to your bids; you can bid any amount you desire. However, be cautious: if you've spent the most money by the end of the game, you're disqualified. This mechanism creates an exciting balance between aggressive bidding and strategic restraint.
How is the game played? At the start, each player represents a central bank of a major economy. The game consists of a series of auctions where companies need bailing out. The starting player reveals a company tile, and all players can place bids. The starting player makes an open bid, while other players submit their bids secretly. The highest bidder wins the tile and places it in front of them. At the end of the game, players tally their collected tiles and receive bonus points for sets of nationalization, monopolization, and diversification. The player with the most points wins, provided they haven't spent the most; if so, they're eliminated.
Box contents:
- 21 company tiles
- 5 industry tokens
- 5 bid tiles
- 5 player scoreboards
- 5 dry-erase markers
- 1 first auctioneer token
- Rulebook
- Number of players: 3-5
- Age: 14 and up
- Playtime: 45 minutes