Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie]
Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie] Outsmarted! [Ultra Editie]
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Prepare the whole family for this action-packed, fun-filled virtual TV quiz show. Outsmarted offers the best of a traditional board game combined with the latest digital technology. With Smart...

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€ 44,99
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Prepare the whole family for this action-packed, fun-filled virtual TV quiz show. Outsmarted offers the best of a traditional board game combined with the latest digital technology.

With Smart Game AI that adapts the questions to a player's age, everyone in the family can play together and everyone can win too!

It is also the world's first board game with the ability to play together remotely. Play with friends and family, wherever they are in the world! It is a true revolution in the field of board games.... Is that smart or not?...

Feel the pressure... Crack your brains! Beat the clock... Who are you all outsmarting?...

What's included:
Contents physical box (267x267x41mm):
- game board
- 6 colored Genie miniatures
- die
- Tablet stand
- license code for the app
- Free lifetime access to the Outsmarted app (IOS, Google Play, Windows 10)
- 6,000+ interactive questions. Entirely Dutch language and depending on the chosen genre also locally oriented.
- All future app updates & new daily content
- Free extra question sets
- Quality guarantee regarding the questions, so no outdated and/or incorrect content

Minimum Requirements:
Requires an internet connection to play.
Minimum specification to run Outsmarted app - 2 GB RAM (3 GB recommended)

Trying out:
Want to try out Outsmarted first? Download the Outsmarted Game app now and try out Outsmarted through 200 free ''Tryout'' questions! Available in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Difference between the Standard & Deluxe Ultra Version:
The standard version has 6 Geniuses which are gray in color, while the Geniuses in the deluxe version are colored. The deluxe version also has a tablet stand as an extra.

Surf to outsmarted.app for the Dutch manual & quick start guide.

Outsmarted currently still comes in an English box, the game however is completely Dutch

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Tinneke - 01-01-2022 22:47

spel al enkele keren gespeeld met 2 volwassenen en twee kinderen van 12 en 14. Ze spelen het zeer graag, minpuntje is wel dat de vragen opgesteld zijn voor nederland, oa over het koningshuis enzo, wat de Belgische kids niet altijd weten. de kindervragen zijn voor hun te makkelijk, maar de tienervragen zijn (door de nederlandse versie) nog net iets te moeilijk! wel op te lossen door ploegen te maken met de volwassenen. Veel verschillende en afwisselende vragen. Al bij al een goede aankoop


Language dependent

Type of game

Party game

Number of players

2 players
3 players
4 players
5 players
6 players
7 players
8 players or more