My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony
My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony
My Little Pony Kaartspel
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In Shuffle My Little Pony, Princess Celestia has broken all the gems in Equestria in two with her magical powers. A fun search game for the ponies! Each pony has to search for a specific gem....

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In Shuffle My Little Pony, Princess Celestia has broken all the gems in Equestria in two with her magical powers. A fun search game for the ponies! Each pony has to search for a specific gem. Find as many correct stones as possible

Princess Celestia has used her magic to break Equestria's many gems in half so that the ponies can collect them. Each Pony has a specific jewel to collect. Choose two ponies per player. Put a starting card on the table, then take the top card from your pile and try to make whole jewels by making sure all sides of your card fit. If you cannot make a jewel for your own Pony you must make them for other Pony. The player with that Pony must then say Thank You! Each complete Jewel is worth 1 point at the end of the game , or more if Princess Celestia is on your card! When all the cards have been played you add up the points. Each jewel is worth 1 point. If Princess Celestia is on 1 half then the gem is worth 2 points, if Princess Celestia is on both halves then the gem is worth 4 points. Whoever has the most points is the winner!

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Card game

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