Agropolis Agropolis Agropolis
Agropolis Agropolis Agropolis
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In Sprawlopolis, 1-4 players work together to build a new city from the ground up

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Agropolis is a stand-alone expansion to Sprawlopolis, bringing the same card-laying, variable-scoring gameplay into a new setting: city blocks give way to orchards, wheat fields, livestock pens, and vineyards. As before, players draw three goal cards and then attempt to place cards one at a time to create a rural tableau that best satisfies those goals. New gameplay features help offset overly-powerful scoring combos and layer additional attributes onto certain types of terrain, providing even greater depth of gameplay without sacrificing the original’s signature elegance.

Includes the “Invasion” and “Points of Interest” expansions! Also includes “Combopolis”, to combine Agropolis with Sprawlopolis.

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Type of game

Card game
Tile placement

Number of players

1 player
2 players
3 players
4 players