1911 Amundsen vs Scott 1911 Amundsen vs Scott
1911 Amundsen vs Scott 1911 Amundsen vs Scott
1911 Amundsen vs Scott
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In 1911, Roald Amundsen and four companions were the first people to stand at the South Pole. Using skis and dogsleds, they beat Robert Falcon Scott's British expedition by just a few weeks....

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In 1911, Roald Amundsen and four companions were the first people to stand at the South Pole. Using skis and dogsleds, they beat Robert Falcon Scott's British expedition by just a few weeks. Scott and his men reached the South Pole only to find Amundsen's Norwegian flag in the frozen ground. They died on the return trip not far from their base camp.

1911 Amundsen vs Scott is an asymmetrical two-player game in which both try to be the first to reach the South Pole. Each player takes a different route to the South Pole, with these routes consisting of a path of colored dots. The game is composed by a deck of cards for both players with a row of 3 visible cards. At each turn, a player can:
- Collect cards open on the board, take one card for free, or take 2-3 cards by first discarding 1-2 cards from your hand.
- Play cards from his hand to advance to the South Pole, play cards so the opponent loses his way, or play cards to activate special effects.

The first player to reach the South Pole wins. If the pile runs out for the second time, both players are lost in Antarctica and lose the game.

This game also already includes 4 expansions:
- "Patrons" (8 new cards). 4 British Patrons and 4 Norwegian Patrons each with a special effect.
- "1912 The Way Back" (second board + 10 new cards). Explorers can play the return to ships with new rules.
- "Damn Weather!" (5 new cards + 1 die). A small expansion to reflect the influence of weather and add a bit of gambling to the game.
- "Food Depots" (4 white cubes). Only in the second edition! The explorers made earlier short trips to build food depots to pick up in the last trip.

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Type of game

Card game

Number of players

2 players