Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN] Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN] Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN]
Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN] Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN] Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN]
Terraforming Mars: Turmoil [EN]
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Terraforming Mars: Colonies is the fourth expansion for the game Terraforming Mars

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€ 33,99
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Turmoil, the fifth expansion to Terraforming Mars, takes players back to Mars, and the struggle for control and progress of human society on a big and dangerous planet.

The expansion includes new corporations, new projects, and a new type of cards — Global Events, from dust storms to riots to rising alloy demand — that give you something to plan for.

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