Anno 1800
Anno 1800
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Develop your island into the most powerful trading empire of the 19th century!  Invest in technology for the best ships, gather manpower, and establish trade routes between the Old and New...

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Develop your island into the most powerful trading empire of the 19th century! 

Invest in technology for the best ships, gather manpower, and establish trade routes between the Old and New Worlds. Whoever has managed to amass the most influence at the end of the game wins Anno 1800. 

In each round during Anno 1800 you produce goods, trade with your fellow players, and organize your work army. You also perform an action in each turn, such as exploring the New World, investing in new buildings, or reorganizing your population through city festivals. Winner is the one who has accumulated the most influence points at the end of the game. 

Anno 1800 is based on Ubisoft's game of the same name. Like the game, Anno 1800 as a board game has a huge range of possibilities. You can focus on increasing your ship fleet, but you can also choose to explore the world with expeditions or to improve the standard of living of your population. Who will develop the most prosperous island?

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Type of game

Card game

Number of players

2 players
3 players
4 players