Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit
Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit
Disney's Kingdom Hearts Perilous Pursuit
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In Talisman: Kingdom Hearts, Sora, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Goofy, and other comrades must acquire the needed strength and magic to seal the Door to Darkness and keep Heartless from consuming the com

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Take on the role of Sora, Goofy, Donald and Kairi & Riku on a journey through the memorable worlds of Kingdom Hearts and rid them of Heartless! Collect sets of dice and work together in this cooperative game based on the hit video game series to take actions to protect each other, attack Heartless, collect potions, and seal the door to save six worlds without letting the darkness take over!

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Type of game

Dice game

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2 players
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