Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden
Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden Zen Garden
Zen Garden
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An Emperor's life is stressful and full of tough decisions. He absolutely needs a place of solace where he can relax and recover. A beautiful garden filled with paths, statues, and flora is...

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An Emperor's life is stressful and full of tough decisions. He absolutely needs a place of solace where he can relax and recover. A beautiful garden filled with paths, statues, and flora is just what he needs.

In Zen Garden, the players assume the role of architects working to build the most beautiful garden for the Emperor. To do this, they need to pay careful attention to the Emperor's preferences, while trying to stay one step ahead of the competition.

A turn in Zen Garden is simple: The first player selects one tile from the selection board, pays its cost, then adds it to their garden adjacent to a previously placed tile. Each player does this, then the board is refilled and a new starting player begins the next turn.

Zen Garden comes with five preference boards that determine which features of the garden score in that game. The boards selected (and their number) will greatly change the objectives players will strive for in that game.

Name Zen Garden
Duration 35 min
Number of players 2-4
Age 8+
Publisher Queen Games
Designer Mike Georgiou
Type End Game Bonuses, Pattern Building, Tile Placement
Language Dutch, English, French, German
Language-independent Yes
Ranking (BGG) Not Ranked


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Het Spelhuis - 23-05-2020 23:02

We vinden Zen Garden een leuk en vlot tegellegspel. De regels zijn eenvoudig, maar het puzzelen van de juiste paden is niet zo simpel als het lijkt. Je moet voortdurend keuzes maken en kan niet op alles spelen. Doordat er verschillende scoremanieren zijn (die je aan het begin van het spel kiest), kan je het spel meerdere keren spelen zonder dat het saai wordt.