Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow
Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow Meadow
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Meadow  is an engaging set collection game with over two hundred unique cards containing hand-painted watercolor illustrations. In the game, players take the role of explorers competing for...

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€ 39,99
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Meadow is an engaging set collection game with over two hundred unique cards containing hand-painted watercolor illustrations. In the game, players take the role of explorers competing for the title of the most skilled nature observer. To win, they collect cards with the most valuable species, landscapes, and discoveries. Their journey is led by passion, a curiosity of the world, an inquiring mind, and a desire to discover the mysteries of nature. The competition continues at the bonfire where the players race to fulfill the goals of their adventures.

In this medium-weight board game for 1-4 players, you take turns placing path tokens on one of the two boards. Placing a token on the main board allows the player to get cards, but playing them requires meeting certain requirements. Playing a token on the bonfire board activates special actions (which helps to implement a chosen strategy) and gives the opportunity to achieve goals that provide additional points. Throughout the game, players collect cards in their meadow and surroundings area. At the end, the player with the most points on cards and on the bonfire board wins.

Meadow also includes envelopes with additional cards to open at specific moments... 

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Ingeborg Hendrikse - 05-07-2021 00:25

Meadow is een geweldig spel, een uitdaging en prachtig vormgegeven. Of we het nu met elkaar spelen of ik speel het alleen het geeft uitdaging, plezier en iedere keer is net anders omdat je nooit precies weet welke kaarten er komen te liggen, de regels zijn eenvoudig maar het spel is iedere keer een uitdaging
Daarbij nog de verrassing van de extra kaarten, heb ze nog niet open gemaakt maar kijk daar enorm naar uit .
Kortom ik ben blij dat ik het gekocht heb en dat het nog meer is dan ik ervan verwachte

Het Spelhuis - 18-06-2021 18:29

Meadow is een prachtig spel met eenvoudige regels maar veel diepgang.


Number of players
Playing time
60-90 min.
Language independent
Number of players
1 player
2 players
3 players
4 players
Klemens Kalicki
Card game


Language independent

Type of game

Card game

Number of players

1 player
2 players
3 players
4 players