Engels Spreekwoorden Spel Engels Spreekwoorden Spel
Engels Spreekwoorden Spel Engels Spreekwoorden Spel
Engels Spreekwoorden Spel
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Same principle as the 2 existing Proverbs games, but with English proverbs and expressions. Collect as many cards or points as possible, then you are the winner....

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€ 10,99
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Same principle as the 2 existing Proverbs games, but with English proverbs and expressions.

Collect as many cards or points as possible, then you are the winner. On each card Kaboontje depicts a proverb or expression. On the back is the description, the meaning, a sample sentence and additional explanations. There are different game variations so that you can play the game at different levels and in different ways. In this way, you learn a lot of proverbs and phrases in a playful manner.

A total of 80 game cards with English proverbs and the rules. For 2 - 6 players or teams, or to practice independently.

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