Barricade Barricade Barricade Barricade Barricade
Barricade Barricade Barricade Barricade Barricade
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In Malefiz or Barricade you and your opponents race your 5 tokens from your home base to the finish along wide and/or narrow paths. You may pick up "barricades" if you land on them exactly w

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In Malefiz or Barricade you and your opponents race your 5 tokens from your home base to the finish along wide and/or narrow paths. You may pick up "barricades" if you land on them exactly with the DIE ROLL and move them to any space above the first row to block everyone's move. No one can move past a barricade unless it is landed on exactly.

Name Barricade
Duration 30 min
Number of players 2-4
Age 6+
Publisher Ravensburger
Designer Werner Schöppner
Type Dobbelspel, Familiespel, Race
Language Dutch, French
Language-independent No
Ranking (BGG) 17811

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