Aqualin Aqualin Aqualin
Aqualin Aqualin Aqualin
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There's turmoil at the reef, with different sea animals forming swarms again and again. Each turn in  Aqualin , the active player selects one of six stones and places it on an empty...

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There's turmoil at the reef, with different sea animals forming swarms again and again.

Each turn in Aqualin, the active player selects one of six stones and places it on an empty field. One player is trying to make groups of the same color, while the other is forming groups of identical sea creatures, with players having the ability to move a stone before placing a new one to form new swarms. The larger the group, the more points it's worth, and whoever scores the most points wins!

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Het Spelhuis - 06-01-2021 09:04

Een eerder eenvoudig en vlot spelletje voor twee spelers. In het begin lijkt het alsof je maar gewoon iets aan het doen bent, maar naarmate er meer stenen op het bord komen te liggen, wordt het tactischer. We hebben ons er mee geamuseerd!


Language independent

Type of game

Tile placement

Number of players

2 players