5 Minute Chase 5 Minute Chase
5 Minute Chase 5 Minute Chase
5 Minute Chase
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5 Minute Chase is an asymmetrical game in which the players use the same tiles, but with different objectives and win conditions. The game is played in real time;...

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€ 17,99
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5 Minute Chase is an asymmetrical game in which the players use the same tiles, but with different objectives and win conditions. The game is played in real time; there are no turns, and all players try to place tiles or chits like mad. One or two players are the runner(s) who escaped from prison trying to return to their hiding place, and the other player(s) are the pursuers who are the pursuing detectives. The runner wins if he has reached his hiding place. The pursuer wins if he catches the runner before it reaches his hiding place.

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Language independent

Type of game

Tile placement

Number of players

2 players
3 players
4 players

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